Safe, sustainable, and ethical wood care products.
L.Co makes safe and easy to use wood care products from the best tung oil in the world. We press our own tung oil collected from sustainable forest management certieid forests in Vietnam. We work directly with ethnic minority faramers and households to provide fair living wages. With support from non-profit organizations, we are able to plant trees, a lot of trees! Over 300,000 to be exact and 1.2 million more in the next five years.

Since 2018, L.Co began working closely with non profit organization MCNV Vietnam. With their help, we began sourcing tung seeds directly from farmers in protected forests and pressing our own oil.
In 2023, L.Co was proudly selected
as a participant in the Sustainable
Forest Trade Incubation Program
for Entrepreneurs by WWF.
as a participant in the Sustainable
Forest Trade Incubation Program
for Entrepreneurs by WWF.